I won a Tshirt contest!

A couple of weeks ago a small contest was held by an non profit organization to design a T-shirt that would raise awareness for the organization.  The organization was Tiny Hands International.  They fight against sex trafficking and slavery in South Asia.

So I thought I would enter.

And I WON!!

I now I can finally show the design I made.  You must check out Tiny Hands! If you like the design and want a shirt, you can get one by donating. Support a great organization and get an awesome shirt!  And if you donate before the end of September, your donation is matched!  How cool is that?  So support an awesome cause, be part of saving a life, and get a great T-shirt.  There is nothing to lose.

Here is the Tiny Hands Website. https://www.tinyhands.org/

Here is a link to their September Campaign.  This is where you can go to get the T-shirt!


Please consider giving and help Tiny Hands put an end to Sex Trafficking and Child Slavery.  You will be a part of saving lives.

Here is the design.

Freedom and Hope Tshirt Frontt

Front Design

Freedom and Hope Tshirt Back

Back Design – Tiny Hands Logo

Freedom and Hope BLACK

Complete Artwork

I first came up with the words I wanted to use and then designed them. Then I tried out some different henna styles and designs and finally settled on a square surrounding the words and filled with henna. I drew all of the henna designs by hand in pencil and then ink. I scanned the drawing in and then in Photoshop, I put them together with the text and made it the yellow color of Tiny Hands. I hope you like it!

If you do than please spread the word!!!!  Let me know on Instagram or Twitter if you get one.  I would love to see it!  https://twitter.com/dalevandegriend  https://instagram.com/exodus_illustration/